In French, there is a good cheap edition of Rousseau's complete works published by Hachette in thirteen volumes. M. Dreyfus-Brisac's great edition of the Contrat Social is indispensable, and there is a good small edition with notes by M. Georges Beaulavon. M. Faguet's study of Rousseau in his Dixhuitième siècle—études littéraires and his Politique comparée de Montesquieu, Voltaire et Rousseau areuseful, though I am seldom in agreement with them. M.Henri Rodet's Le Contrat Social et les idées politiques de J. J. Rousseau is useful, if not inspired, and there are interesting works by MM. Chuquet, Fabre and Lema?tre. The French translation of Professor H?ffding's little volume on Rousseau: sa vie et sa philosophie is admirable.